Land Bubble
Sports activities, Games for children, Inflatable playground
in Saint-Pierre-du-Mont
A moment of hapiness, of laughs, of sports an of impacts but without any risks.
Bubble Bump :
Two teams face each other in huge bubbles where only the legs stick out.
Different games are proposed : the bubble football, the beret game, the British bulldog game, every man for himself.
Accessible to children from 1m30 (7 years old) and adults, this new activity is at the same time playful, funny, sportive and convivial.
Archery Bump :
The principle of the Archery Bump is to fight like...A moment of hapiness, of laughs, of sports an of impacts but without any risks.
Bubble Bump :
Two teams face each other in huge bubbles where only the legs stick out.
Different games are proposed : the bubble football, the beret game, the British bulldog game, every man for himself.
Accessible to children from 1m30 (7 years old) and adults, this new activity is at the same time playful, funny, sportive and convivial.
Archery Bump :
The principle of the Archery Bump is to fight like experienced archers with "almost arrows". These have a 1nou tip, guaranteed painless and safe in the stamped Bump Gaines world !
Get ready for some great fun while you're taking shots from your opponents !
Fun, sporty and accessible to all !
By reservation only.
Adult price120 €
Adult price210 €
Adult price310 €
Children's price160 €