Linux WORKSHOP/CLASS On Friday 21 Mar at 10:00 Free and open source operating system, accessible to all. Mont-de-Marsan
Exposition sur l'art africian EXHIBITION From 23 January until 8 February Opening on Thursday January 23 at 6 p.m. Exhibition on African art, meet M.Beautier from January 23 to February 8. Mont-de-Marsan
Écomusée de Marquèze : La Nuit européenne des musées SHOW YOUNG AUDIENCE This is one of the unmissable events of the year! This year, two tour offers are being offered to you on the occasion of Museum Night. Offer #1: 6:30 p.m. - At the Pavilion For children: Discovery workshop of Bernard Manciet's plastic techniques from 6 years old For adults: Walk through the heart of... Sabres
Écomusée de Marquèze : La tonte des moutons ANIMALS Sheep shearing is the unmissable event in May. The sun is here, the sheep are starting to feel hot, so it is time to relieve them of their wool to the delight of the farmers who will now be able to prepare their new balls for winter. On the program: - Power shearing demonstrations throughout the day... Sabres
Bosler & Fordson LOCAL EVENTS Minimalist rock roll/punk/blues concert with guitar, double bass, cigar box and drums and influencers like The Black Keys, Jon Spencer, G Love or Tom Waits. Between rock hits made for the dancefloor and flok ballads. Mont-de-Marsan
Le goût de penser : vraie fausseté et vérité fausse WORKSHOP/CLASS On Thursday 27 Mar at 18:00 To close this cycle on truth, we will ask ourselves the question of the place of falsehood, error and criticism. If truth were not a state of discourse but rather a tension, a movement or even a horizon, could not falsehood participate in truth? What do we learn when "we learn from our mistakes"? Mont-de-Marsan
La Tourtière BAKER'S/PÂTISSERIE The house has existed since 1978 and offers its Landes specialties such as Tourtière and Pastis, but also pastries and viennoiseries. The experience at the service of quality of reception and good prices. You can also find us at 676 Avenue du Maréchal Foch. Mont-de-Marsan
Hébé ! Festival écoféministe FESTIVAL The 4th edition of the Hébé feminist festival! will take place at the Auberge Landaise and in Jean Rameau Park. Its theme will be “ecofeminisms”. We will also talk about peasantry, anti-fascism, anti-racism, rurality, adelphity, how we build struggles together, how they are linked, the need to bring... Mont-de-Marsan