The awakening of the senses at the Saint Roch market
to move,
The awakening of the senses at the Saint Roch market
to move,
The Saint Roch Market is alive! Noise, smells and people!
The smells mingle and if you have the misfortune to go there a little before noon with a stomach in your heels .. You may well leave loaded like a mule!
Personally I forgot to take a pouch and that’s exactly what happened to me, attracted by the smells I stopped at different stands, sometimes just to look at unknown ingredients!
I don’t know his name but if you go to the market you are likely to meet him. He comes to do his shopping with his master, and it is he who takes care of carrying the baguette or the pocket of vegetables!
My market favourites, impossible to walk past their stand without noticing them! Big atmosphere on this stand, if you meet the gaze of one of the two cooks you are 100% sure to smile!
The most difficult thing when you find yourself facing this sign is managing to concentrate on knowing what you want!
On the menu : accras (on the left), rougails mixed with rice (on the right) and the “cunning” chili sauce (in the middle)!
Verdict : Yes yes yes!