A historical and natural heritage site
Place of passage frequented for millennia at the crossroads between Marsan and Gers, from this privileged position, Bougue retains many traces of a rich historical past.
The Castets plateau is the remnant of a vast continental plain formed nearly 20 million years ago. Today it is a Listed Monument which contains many quarries rich in fossils of marine and terrestrial mammals.
As early as – 50,000 years ago, the passage of one of our ancestors is attested to by the discovery of a biface type stone tool.
Later, on the plateau arranged in a barred spur, we discover the traces of the first primitive village which dominates by more than 50 meters the confluence of the Midou and the Ludon.
The defensive system includes several mottes with fortifications used from the Bronze Age to the Middle Ages, and the ruins of the fortified house of Agos located on the other bank of the Midou.