Atelier : lieux de vie et avancée en âge
in Campagne
The CIAS du Marsan, in partnership with the association Territoires des possibles, is organizing several workshops starting September 20 on the role of one's place of residence in advancing age. People who want to start thinking about how they want to age will be able to discuss and learn more, in a friendly setting. Choosing a home that suits each person and is adapted to their desires, knowing the possibilities of resources available in their area to remain independent there... so many...
The CIAS du Marsan, in partnership with the association Territoires des possibles, is organizing several workshops starting September 20 on the role of one's place of residence in advancing age. People who want to start thinking about how they want to age will be able to discuss and learn more, in a friendly setting. Choosing a home that suits each person and is adapted to their desires, knowing the possibilities of resources available in their area to remain independent there... so many subjects that will be discussed during these 4 free meetings. • September 20 | 2:30 p.m. | Saint-Avit (multipurpose room) discovery film "vivement dimanche...et les autres jours" • September 27 | 2 p.m. | Saint-Avit (multipurpose room) cinema café "pour demain... tout est permis ?!" • October 11 | 2 p.m. | Campagne (social living space) cinema café "le juste choix... ou le choix juste pour moi" • October 18 | 2:30 p.m. | Campaign (social living space) film exhibition "aging together: it's up for discussion" More information and registration: Association Territoires des possibles: accompagnement@territoiresdespossibles.org | 07 62 32 51 17
Free of charge—
Free of charge—
Free of charge—