
Grand atelier dessin d'après modèle vivant

Local events, Workshop/Class, Workshop/training/competition in Mont-de-Marsan
  • Under the direction of Professor Laurent Abadie, you will discover and perfect the basics of drawing from a live model, you will try your hand at perspective drawing, at drawing sculptures in the museum but also in the gardens. The techniques of watercolor, inks, pastels, charcoal and sanguine will also be covered during the 8 sessions per quarter or more according to your desire! 8 sessions this quarter: - Saturday March 23 with live model - Saturday March 30 with live model - Saturday...
    Under the direction of Professor Laurent Abadie, you will discover and perfect the basics of drawing from a live model, you will try your hand at perspective drawing, at drawing sculptures in the museum but also in the gardens. The techniques of watercolor, inks, pastels, charcoal and sanguine will also be covered during the 8 sessions per quarter or more according to your desire! 8 sessions this quarter: - Saturday March 23 with live model - Saturday March 30 with live model - Saturday April 6 with live model - Saturday May 4 with live model - Saturday May 25 with live model - Saturday June 1 - Saturday June 8 - Saturday June 15 By registration at 05 58 75 00 45 or musee-edu@montdemarsan.fr
  • Rates
  • Basic price - full adult price
    120 €
  • Discounted rate
    100 €
  • Discounted rate
    60 €