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La Cave des Vignerons de Tursan

Alcohol & spirits, Local products, White wine, Rose, Red wine, Wine in Geaune
  • Already, in the Gallo-Roman era, wines, which we now call Tursan wine, Landes wine or Chalosse wine, were among the wines admitted to the table of the Emperors. The history of “Tursan” is then linked to the existence of the Viscounty of Tursan whose historic center, Geaune, was founded in 1318 by the Seneschal of Gascony. “Tursan” corresponds to a well-defined and delimited historical region. The use of the name “Tursan” for wines from this small region of the Landes therefore dates back...
    Already, in the Gallo-Roman era, wines, which we now call Tursan wine, Landes wine or Chalosse wine, were among the wines admitted to the table of the Emperors. The history of “Tursan” is then linked to the existence of the Viscounty of Tursan whose historic center, Geaune, was founded in 1318 by the Seneschal of Gascony. “Tursan” corresponds to a well-defined and delimited historical region. The use of the name “Tursan” for wines from this small region of the Landes therefore dates back several centuries. In the 17th century, Tursan wines reached their peak. A varied grape variety and large areas of vineyards energize the vineyard. The barges then perform an incessant ballet between Mugron and Bayonne via Dax. Since the phylloxera crisis until the middle of the 20th century, the vineyards have gone through periods of doubt. The modernization of winemaking structures was essential, and the creation of a cooperative in 1958 became obvious. This renewal initiated a new boom which has not been denied since.
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    9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Monday
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  • Wednesday
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    2:00 PM - 5:30 PM
  • Saturday
    9:00 AM - 12:30 PM