Show Young Audience, Show, representation, Shows, music and theatre, Theatre, opera
in Bostens
They thought they could do it in three days, but it lasted ten years. Do you know the story of the Iliad? The fierce battle of the Achaeans against the Trojans? The impossible love of Hélène and Paris? The ingenuity of Ulysses? The strength of Achilles? Patroclus' sensitivity? Full of good will and with the means at hand, the Bravache company starts the clock to make you relive the true history of the terrible Trojan War. As the performance progresses, the pace picks up to finish on time! An...
They thought they could do it in three days, but it lasted ten years. Do you know the story of the Iliad? The fierce battle of the Achaeans against the Trojans? The impossible love of Hélène and Paris? The ingenuity of Ulysses? The strength of Achilles? Patroclus' sensitivity? Full of good will and with the means at hand, the Bravache company starts the clock to make you relive the true history of the terrible Trojan War. As the performance progresses, the pace picks up to finish on time! An absolutely delightful spectacle!
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