Saint Martin d'OneySaint Martin d'Oney
©Saint Martin d'Oney|Gilles Arroyo

Saint Martin d'Oney

the authentic
A small village dating back to medieval times, St Martin d’Oney is a quiet and green little town to the west of Mont de Marsan.


Located on the road towards the beach, it has a pretty little church and a miraculous fountain. Stop to enjoy a moment of relaxation on the way to vacation.

The church

It is adorned with a 15th century fortified tower. It houses a fresco and a painting of Saint Martin by Longa.

The village is rich in palombières and lark slopes.


The virtuous Sainte Quitterie fountain

The site is completely restored. The source is virtuous for headaches and eye aches.

The little extra of Saint Martin d'Oney
